Alese Got Out

1m 32s
Alese Got Out
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Edition #1

Alese Got Out


After writing the first and third songs of For Ophelia, I wanted to keep going so I plugged in and started jamming away something with some simple power chords to break up the ambience a bit. Alese is Ophelia’s Belgian Malinois that sometimes breaks out and goes on her own adventures. This is definitely her energy and was an easy title. I stuck with the Les Paul/Mesa setup for this whole album but I pumped up the lead channel and got raw with it. For this song I felt a solid bass was needed to backup the energy of the guitar and hold the rhythm down. With the solid bass, the drums were allowed a bit more looseness and let the energy fly, especially during the verse riffs.


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Egg is randomly rewarded to one Limited Edition holder after the sale ends. Winner gets a unique 1/1 artwork chosen by the artist.



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