••2m 36s
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Elias, a weathered sculptor with sun-kissed skin and eyes the color of the sea, had spent his life restoring forgotten sculptures scattered across the windswept cliffs. But none intrigued him more than the silent windmill perched atop the highest promontory. Its sails, tattered and grey, stood frozen in time, whispering tales of lost love and forgotten dreams. One twilight, while tending to the wildflowers adorning the windmill's base, Elias met Amara. With hair the color of spun gold and eyes like pools of moonlight, she possessed a laughter that echoed the tinkling of wind chimes. She was visiting her grandmother, the keeper of the lighthouse below, and found herself drawn to the melancholic windmill as surely as Elias was drawn to her. Days turned into weeks as they explored the hidden nooks and crannies of the windmill, piecing together its history. Elias, usually solitary, found himself opening up to Amara, sharing his artistic dreams and the ache of loneliness he'd kept hidden. Amara, in turn, confessed her yearning for a life beyond the lighthouse's confining walls. One starlit night, while perched on the windmill's ledge, gazing at the constellations mirrored in the ocean below, Elias felt the courage to confess his feelings. His words, like the wind whispering through the sails, carried his heart's truth. Amara, her eyes glistening like the moonlit waves, admitted she felt the same. But their newfound joy was threatened. Amara's father, a stern lighthouse keeper, disapproved of Elias, deeming him an artist with his head in the clouds. He forbade their connection, insisting Amara follow her preordained path as his successor. Heartbroken, Elias retreated to the windmill, his once-inspired hands now listless. The sails, mirroring his emotions, remained stagnant, a stark symbol of their thwarted love. Amara, torn between duty and desire, confided in her grandmother, whose weathered face held a lifetime of unspoken stories. Inspired by her grandmother's wisdom, Amara devised a plan. She gathered the villagers, sharing the tragic love story inscribed on the windmill's weathered frame, a tale eerily similar to her own. Moved by its poignant message, the villagers rallied behind her, petitioning her father to see beyond tradition and embrace true love. Faced with the united voice of his community and the raw emotion reflected in his daughter's eyes, Amara's father finally relented. The windmill's sails, as if mirroring the shift in his heart, creaked back to life, their gentle rotation symbolizing the winds of change. Elias and Amara, their love story etched in the very fabric of the windmill, vowed to restore it not just as a monument to the past, but as a beacon of hope for future generations. Together, they breathed new life into the old structure, their laughter echoing through the sails, carried by the wind across the boundless sea. Their love story, born amidst the whispers of a forgotten windmill, became a testament to the enduring power of love, a love that could weather any storm and guide them, hand in hand, towards a future as vast and limitless as the ocean itself.


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Golden Egg

Egg is randomly rewarded to one Limited Edition holder after the sale ends. Winner gets a unique 1/1 artwork chosen by the artist.

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