•3m 48s
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The air in this warped Manchester hung heavy with dust and despair. Elara, her eyes scanning the desolate streets, felt the compass thrumming in her hand, its needle unwavering towards the corrupted Nexus core. The closer she got, the more the world seemed to unravel. Reality flickered at the edges, buildings shimmering into distorted versions of themselves, whispers of other realities bleeding through. Suddenly, a guttural roar ripped through the silence. A hulking creature, its form cobbled together from twisted metal and discarded machinery, lumbered out of an alleyway. Its glowing red eyes fixated on Elara, and its metallic claws scraped against the ground, a chilling prelude to its attack. Elara's instincts kicked in. Years of facing down unknown threats honed her reflexes. She dodged the creature's swipe, her heart pounding against her ribs. The compass, pulsing faster, seemed to whisper a suggestion. With a flick of her wrist, Elara activated a hidden function; the compass projected a holographic shield, deflecting the creature's next blow. But the creature was relentless. It lunged again, its metallic claws sparking against the shield. Elara knew she couldn't fight it forever. She needed to outsmart it, to use the broken reality to her advantage. Glancing around, she spotted a crumbling building, its precarious lean offering a potential escape route. With a burst of speed, Elara led the creature on a chase through the warped streets. She weaved between flickering lampposts, vaulted over debris-strewn sidewalks, and used the compass's holographic shield to deflect the creature's attacks. Finally, she reached the building, its facade groaning in protest. Without hesitation, Elara sprinted towards the crumbling structure, the creature hot on her heels. With a desperate leap, she clambered onto the building's precarious ledge, just as the creature slammed into the wall where she had stood a moment before. The building creaked and groaned, dust raining down on Elara as she scrambled up the crumbling facade. She could feel the creature's frustrated roars below, but the building, despite its instability, held. Reaching the top, Elara surveyed her surroundings. The corrupted Nexus core pulsed in the distance, a malignant tumor draining the life from this reality. But between her and the core lay a vast chasm, a gaping wound in the fabric of reality, swirling with chaotic energy. The compass hummed anew, its needle pointing not towards the core, but towards the chasm. A wave of understanding washed over Elara. This wasn't a detour, it was the path. The compass wasn't just leading her to the core, it was guiding her to exploit its vulnerabilities. Taking a deep breath, Elara closed her eyes, the compass clutched tightly in her hand. She jumped. The wind screamed past her ears as she plummeted towards the swirling vortex. The air crackled with raw energy, threatening to tear her apart. But she held on, the compass her anchor, its whispered guidance pulling her towards a single point within the chaos. A blinding flash of light engulfed her, and then...silence. Elara opened her eyes, finding herself on a platform overlooking a vast, cavernous space. In the center pulsed the corrupted Nexus core, its tendrils of corrupted energy reaching out like grasping claws. But it was different here, unstable, vulnerable. The compass thrummed excitedly, its purpose clear. This was the key, the opportunity to mend the broken reality. But the path was fraught with danger. The corrupted energy crackled ominously, and monstrous shadows lurked within the cavern's depths. Elara, her heart pounding but her resolve unwavering, stepped forward. The fate of two realities hung in the balance, and she, armed with a compass and her own courage, was their only hope.

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Golden Egg

Egg is randomly rewarded to one Limited Edition holder after the sale ends. Winner gets a unique 1/1 artwork chosen by the artist.

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