•3m 2s
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In the forgotten corners of a bustling city park, nestled amongst towering trees and forgotten paths, lived a tiny songbird named Lyra. Unlike his brightly colored brethren who flitted around in flamboyant displays, Lyra was as plain as the bark he perched upon. His feathers were a muted brown, offering no flash or spectacle. Yet, within his unassuming form resided a voice like none other. Lyra's song wasn't grand or operatic. It was a simple melody, a whisper of wind through the leaves, a trickle of water in a hidden brook. But it held within it a depth of emotion, a raw honesty that resonated with the souls of those who heard it. One day, a renowned musician named Elias, renowned for his technical mastery and powerful performances, was strolling through the park, his heart heavy with creative stagnation. He felt a disconnect with his music, a sense that something vital was missing. As he reached the forgotten corner, a voice caught his ear. He stopped, his senses captivated by the unassuming bird perched on a low branch. The melody was simple, yet it stirred something deep within him, a forgotten wellspring of emotion. Tears welled up in his eyes, a response he hadn't anticipated from such a seemingly ordinary song. From that day on, Elias became a regular visitor to the park. He sat beneath the same tree, listening intently to Lyra's song, each iteration a unique exploration of the human experience. The bird, seemingly unfazed by the human's presence, poured his heart out in an endless stream of melodies. Elias, inspired by the bird's unpretentious expression and the raw emotion of his song, began to rediscover his own voice. His music, once filled with technical brilliance, took on a new depth, infused with the honesty and simplicity he had witnessed in the songbird. His transformed music resonated deeply with audiences. They flocked to his concerts, not for the dazzling displays of technical prowess, but for the raw emotions conveyed through his music. Elias, humbled and grateful, always acknowledged the small songbird in the forgotten corner of the park, the one who had rekindled his passion and shown him the true power of music. Lyra, the unassuming songbird, remained in his corner, his feathers still a muted brown. But his song, a beacon of honesty and vulnerability, continued to echo through the park, a testament to the fact that true beauty and power can often lie hidden in the most unexpected places. His simple song, devoid of flash or spectacle, reminded everyone that sometimes, the most profound art comes from the quietest corners, sung by those who choose to express themselves with raw honesty and vulnerability.

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Golden Egg

Egg is randomly rewarded to one Limited Edition holder after the sale ends. Winner gets a unique 1/1 artwork chosen by the artist.

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