Telepathic Chilldren (Dream Your Dreams)

••1m 11s
Telepathic Chilldren (Dream Your Dreams)
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Telepathic Chilldren (Dream Your Dreams)


Welcome to the Telepathic Children. This piece was inspired by a chapter I read in a book called 'Living In The Heart' by Drunvalo Melchizedek, a book that explains how the heart is another brain and has the ability to connect and receive information, similar to the mind. This is achieved by accessing this system through activating your Merkaba Field, which happens to be the shape of the Toroidal field when a person reaches this 'Heart' space. This form and frequency transcend all dimensional aspects of nature and physics. Even our Earth magnetic fields produce this shape naturally, also known as Birkeland Currents (CME). A chapter in the book touches on the subject of Telepathic Children that have been discovered all around the world in the last 20 or so years. One specific case was over 1,000 children found in Mexico City who were able to 'see' using the exact same body parts as the kids in China. Blindfolded, an 18-year-old Mexican girl, Inge Bardor, can accurately know everything about the people or place in a photo simply by touching the photo. Inge can also describe the person who took the picture and what the photographer was wearing that day. In one photo of the inside of a house, Inge psychically went into the house, describing exactly what was down a hallway that was not shown in the photo! To test her ability to read with her feet, she stood blindfolded on a newspaper and read it perfectly. Researchers found these kids were able to do this by accessing their Heart space, which allowed them to essentially remote view the information without use of their physical eyes. As crazy as this may sound to most of you, it is real. Here is Inge Bardor demonstrating her abilities at the 'Through the Eyes of a Child' conference in the early 2000s. [Link to the video:] The quote at the end of the song is an excerpt from Inge Bardor's introduction from the video above. I hope this song brings you joy and wonder to your heart and inspires you to find a way to work with your mind and heart in unison. Most importantly Dream Your Dreams, Goodnight Children. twanz Sources: 1st hand accounts of Inges Bardor and psychic abilities:


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