3m 20s
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“Puzzle” opens with the calm yet poignant words, “This is the last piece of the puzzle,” softly spoken by the rapper. These words become a recurring motif throughout the track, anchoring the listener in a rhythmic journey that spans nearly four minutes. The elongated verse that ensues delves deep into a labyrinth of both uplifting and introspective thoughts, creating a sonic wormhole that captivates the audience. While never explicitly mentioning him, the song carries an unspoken dedication to the late South African Hip-Hop icon, Riky Rick. His untimely passing due to mental health struggles on February 23rd, 2022, casts a shadow of poignant significance over the track. Released on July 20th, 2023, which would have marked Riky’s 35th birthday, “Puzzle” stands as both a tribute to his legacy and an exploration of the complex emotions that come with grappling with life’s challenges. The interplay of emotions in the lyrics mirrors the intricate pieces of a puzzle, forming a mosaic of heartfelt reflection and homage.

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