Prolonged Grief Disorder PGD - It Will Not Let Me Go

•2m 9s
 Prolonged Grief Disorder PGD - It Will Not Let Me Go
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 Prolonged Grief Disorder PGD - It Will Not Let Me Go


Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD), also sometimes referred to as complicated grief, is a mental health condition triggered by the death of a loved one. It's important to distinguish it from normal grief, which is a natural human experience following a loss. Here's a breakdown of PGD: Symptoms: PGD is characterized by intense and persistent grief that interferes with daily life. This can manifest as: Preoccupation with thoughts of the deceased Intense longing or yearning for the person who died Emotional pain, numbness, or shock Difficulty accepting the death A sense of identity disruption (feeling like a part of you has died) Difficulty moving on with life Problems functioning at work, home, and in social situations Duration: For a diagnosis of PGD, these symptoms must be present for at least: 1 year for adults 6 months for children and adolescents Severity: The intensity of grief must be significant enough to cause problems in daily life and cannot be explained by cultural or religious mourning practices, or another mental health disorder. Here are some resources for further information: American Psychiatric Association: WebMD: This track was encoded with 639 Hz Solfeggio frequencies Scientifically: 639 Hz is a measurement of sound wave vibrations. It indicates 639 cycles (vibrations) per second. In Alternative Medicine: 639 Hz is associated with a concept called Solfeggio frequencies. These are ancient musical tones that are believed to have specific health and emotional benefits. It's important to note that scientific evidence supporting specific health benefits of Solfeggio frequencies, including 639 Hz, is limited. Here are some details about 639 Hz in Solfeggio frequencies: Claimed benefits: Proponents associate 639 Hz with love, compassion, harmony, and improved relationships. Uses: It is sometimes used in meditation music or sound therapy aimed at promoting feelings of love and positivity. Overall, 639 Hz is a sound frequency with interesting applications in alternative medicine. However, more research is needed to validate the specific claims about its health benefits. source: gemini AI music production: ableton artwork by: Jeannine Penn - X @xoj9 IG @jeanninepennart day 20- mental health awareness month 2024

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