Failed by the system

4m 9s
Failed by the system
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Failed by the system

573 followers All proceeds are going towards my treatment costs below is a little bit about it... Music is not just an art form for me—it's a lifeline, a form of therapy that sees me through the highs and lows of life. Each track I create is a piece of my soul, translated into sound. It's in the depths of melodies and rhythms that I find solace, pouring my emotions and experiences into each note as a way to heal and understand myself better. My music is a diary of my journey, a reflection of the inner workings of my mind and heart. When you notice an influx of new tracks, it's a signal that I'm navigating through tougher times, seeking refuge and expression through my music. This direct channel from my innermost thoughts to your ears is what makes my music raw, real, and resonant. So, as you listen, know that you're not just experiencing a song, but a chapter of my life, a moment of catharsis, and a piece of my path to healing. My hope is that it may offer you the same comfort and escape it provides me My Awakening to Adult ADHD For years, my life felt like a puzzle, where pieces didn't fit quite right. I struggled with tasks that seemed simple for others, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts and distractions. It wasn't until someone randomly said to me you might have ADHD you know, since then when I have said I might have ADHD everyone say "hell yeah you have!! I may be paraphrasing there, I live in Essex, not Texas! The pieces began to fall into place, revealing a picture labelled "Adult ADHD." I decided to take my self to the Doctors, My GP with asking me a few questions he said, that although he wasn't a specialist (OBvs) hence the GP title ! He says he was almost certain that this was what it was. ADHD isn't just a childhood condition; it walks silently into adulthood, often masked by societal expectations and personal denial. My journey started with confusion and misunderstanding, both by myself and medical professionals. The realization hit when I stumbled upon a community online, people who shared their stories, echoing my experiences and struggles. The Personal Cost of ADHD Relationships and ADHD: Navigating Through Turmoil ADHD doesn't just affect the individual; it ripples through relationships, leaving chaos in its wake. My fiancée, the cornerstone of my support, left. The battle for my son became not just a legal fight but a quest for understanding and acceptance. Self-Therapy Through Creativity Music as a Form of Healing In the midst of turmoil, I found solace in music. Writing and producing became a lifeline, a way to express the inexpressible. Seeking Support: My GoFundMe Page for ADHD Treatment The Importance of Community Support in Mental Health Fees - What Does It Cost For ADHD Assessment & Treatments? ADHD fees for full assessment & treatments. Highest quality consultation from initial assessment to on-going treatment… Now having had the appointment with my GP he has referred me to a clinic in London, this was 10 Months ago and no sign of the appointment, all the while I'm getting worse in a way that it is destressing me and those around me in an extreme way. Due to me not being untreated and the hanging on since the referral, unable to make bills let alone go private to get me back on the track I thought that I would see if the community would help get me out of this ever deeper hole not seeing a way out. With this worsening situation, personally and professionally, with this, a light at the end of the tunnel. I also plan to return the money to donors once I get myself back on my feet again. Treatment for ADHD is a journey, one that is often expensive and fraught with obstacles. I've turned to the community for support, setting up a GoFundMe page in hopes of finding the resources to manage my ADHD effectively.


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Golden Egg

Egg is randomly rewarded to one Limited Edition holder after the sale ends. Winner gets a unique 1/1 artwork chosen by the artist.

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Audio Download

Anyone who collects your release can download the uncompressed lossless audio file for this song.

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