
3m 28s
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Presenting "Emoji," a captivating single from our eagerly awaited debut album, "This Life Real Vol. 1." This album has been meticulously honed over two years, reflecting our unwavering commitment to musical brilliance and creative expression. Guided by the visionary production of Goose Pärk, and complemented by the talents of Assistant Producer/Engineer G-Ro Keeps Pressin' Repeat, each track is imbued with authenticity and innovation. "Emoji" offers a delightful exploration of the nuances of romantic flirtation and the myriad emotions it evokes. Through playful melodies and poignant lyrics, the song captures the exhilaration and intimacy of connecting with a significant other. Join us on this immersive journey as we unveil "Emoji" and the entire sonic tapestry of "This Life Real Vol. 1." Prepare to be swept away by its charm and allure, as we invite you to experience the magic of musical storytelling at its finest. Artists: (Rāwjí x Kervx Goose Pärk) Mastering Engineer Chief Patton.

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Golden Egg

Egg is randomly rewarded to one Limited Edition holder after the sale ends. Winner gets a unique 1/1 artwork chosen by the artist.

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Audio Download

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Credits & Splits
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