3m 27s
golden egg image


Edition #15



“Encarte”, tiene un sonido fresco electrónico, pero con un trasfondo íntimo que contrasta el sonido de la canción, aquí se habla sobre los problemas de ansiedad, y ansiedad social que enfrenta todo el tiempo una persona, estos problemas le hacen tener miedo a enamorarse y dejar que se enamoren de ella, haciendo que su primer pretendiente entre en alerta antes de decidir entrar en una relación amorosa con la misma. “Encarte” es un término muy utilizado en Colombia para referirse a cosas que se interpreten como una carga pesada difícil de llevar, muy molesta e incomoda. Verónica Caicedo, actriz, cantante, rapera y compositora de Buenaventura - Colombia, estudiante de Licenciatura en Arte Dramático. Desde el 2018 comenzó un proceso musical que incluía videos y composiciones caseras, se hizo muy conocida en varios lugares del país, y más adelante formaliza su entrada a la industria musical lanzando sus dos primeras canciones, “Don José” y “Yo Soy Dios”, ambas producidas por Colombo, y Sammy el Comandante, estas marcaron el inicio de su carrera musical y hoy con 5 lanzamientos musicales es una de las referentes de la cuarta generación de artistas más importante de su país. "Encarte" has a fresh electronic sound, but with an intimate background that contrasts the sound of the song, here we talk about anxiety problems, and social anxiety that a person faces all the time, these problems make them afraid of fall in love and let them fall in love with her, causing her first suitor to go on alert before deciding to enter into a love relationship with her. "Encarte" is a term widely used in Colombia to refer to things that are interpreted as a heavy load that is difficult to carry, very annoying and uncomfortable. Verónica Caicedo, actress, singer, rapper and composer from Buenaventura - Colombia, Bachelor of Dramatic Arts student. Since 2018, he began a musical process that produced videos and homemade compositions, became well known in various parts of the country, and later formalized his entry into the music industry by releasing his first two songs, "Don José" and "Yo Soy Dios" , both produced by Colombo, and Sammy el Comandante, these marked the beginning of his musical career and today, with 5 musical releases, he is one of the references of the fourth generation of most important artists in his country.


Golden Egg

The egg is only revealed after the song sells out. The winner receives a unique 1/1 NFT chosen by the artist.



Audio Download

Anyone who collects your release can download the uncompressed lossless audio file for this song.

Comment Wall

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Kasbeel first song

Free min - All collectors will recieve the link to mint the free NFT of my first musical interaction online.


Golden Egg

The egg is only revealed after the song sells out. The winner receives a unique 1/1 NFT chosen by the artist.



Audio Download

Anyone who collects your release can download the uncompressed lossless audio file for this song.

Comment Wall

Make a public comment on the song. Prove you were a supporter from way back in the day. Sell your NFT, and your comment is replaceable by the new owner.

Kasbeel first song

Free min - All collectors will recieve the link to mint the free NFT of my first musical interaction online.